祈竹仁寶哲為藏傳佛教格律派高僧、四川名刹大藏寺之法台及著名醫師,生於1936年四川阿壩藏族自治州,師承柏邦喀仁寶哲之四大心子之二 --赤江仁寶哲及鈴仁寶哲、札什倫布寺卡青方丈及色拉寺昧堂方丈堪薩仁寶哲等大師。法師十歲於四川省阿壩州古刹大藏寺出家修學三藏佛法,同時亦隨名師習醫多年,後入位列世界三大佛教學府之色拉寺學習至考取'格西'學位(相當於佛學博士學銜),並取得政府認可之傳統西藏醫學醫師資格。2001年,法師獲蒙古最高精神領袖哲布尊丹巴法王冊封「黃帽廣行教法者」勛位。2005年,格律派第一百零一任宗座甘丹赤巴法王對法師授予「金剛持」尊號。


His Eminence Khejok Rinpoche, the sixth incarnation of the renowned Khejok Lama who lived during the Fifth Dalai Lama's time, was born in the 1930's in a part of Eastern Tibet which is now known as Sichuan province. High scholars, recognised Rinpoche, at a young age, as the succession holder of the Khejok Lama lineage. Subsequently, he was enthroned as the abbot of Dhe-Tsang Monastery, the second oldest monastery of the Gelugpa lineage and the spiritual headquarters of all Gelugpa monasteries in Eastern Tibet.

At the age of 17, His Eminence entered the prestigious Sera Monastic University in Lhasa, one of the three largest monastic universities in the world. Later he graduated as a Geshe (a title of scholarship equivalent to a Doctorate degree). After graduation, Rinpoche served the monastery as a resident elder, being widely respected by both the ordained and lay assemblies of Tibetans for his wisdom, compassion and practical advice. His Eminence is also known for his vast knowledge on statue-making, astrology & divination and has been certified as a practitioner of traditional Tibetan Medicine by the Tibetan Government.

Since 1986, Rinpoche has been teaching in Australia to western students and has established a number of Buddhist education centres bearing the common name of Institute of Buddhist Learning & Practice, in Australia, Canada and Asia. His Eminence makes annual teaching tours to Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, China, Canada and around Australia.